Jurnal Tahun 2019
Volume 8, No 3
This study aims to examine the theories, regulations, and practices at the commercial court in Indonesia regarding the possibility of charging director of limited liability companies (LLC, Perseroan Terbatas(PT)) with personal bankruptcy as a form of personal liability due to mismanagement causing the company to go bankrupt. This is an interesting issue to study because, in general, the rights and obligations of the company, and specifically LLC in this article, are separated from the rights and obligations of the directors. Therefore, the company’s liability cannot be requested upon its directors’ personal liability. Nonetheless, this general principle is revocable if the director makes an error which causes the company to go bankrupt. This study uses the normative (doctrinal) legal research method with statute approach, conceptual approach, and cases approach. The study results revealed that directors could be asked for personal liability if they create problems which lead to a company going bankrupt. The director’s liability comes in the form of the obligation to file bankruptcy for the director him/herself. In this study, several cases were found that punished the director with the director’s personal bankruptcy, like in the case of personal bankruptcy of director PT QSAR and in the case personal bankruptcy of director of PT CHK.
Eradication of corruption in Indonesia is still the main agenda of the government in building good governance. One method to expose corruption is to use a whistleblower role that can help find the criminal mode of corruption. Whistleblower mechanism is divided into three main dimensions: Human, Structure and Process. But in practice whistleblower reporters in corruption cases in Indonesia have not received maximum legal protection. In Indonesia the normative regulation governing pursuant to Law No.13 of 2006 concerning Witness and Victim Protection as well as Supreme Court Circular Letter (SEMA) No.4 Year 2011 on Treatment of Criminal Reporting and Witness of Actors Cooperation The results show that from three dimensions of whistleblower system still does not yet have binding legislation. Whistleblower reporters only accept lightening relief. Specific whistleblower legislation is urgent. In legislation, at least, it should be in accordance with Whistleblower’s protection.
Sunda Wiwitan as a religion had existed prior to the other, more well known religions in Indonesia, but is currently isn’t recognized as an official religion by Act No.1/PNPS/1965. The state, as opposed to guaranteeing the freedom of belief and its practice, instead imposes restrictions on religion in this particular case, leaving the believers of Sunda Wiwitan feeling abandoned and as outcasts. As a result, many violations and discriminations are experienced by adherents of Sunda Wiwitan. One example of such discrimination is the “whiting-out” of the “religion” column in ID Cards. The result of this discrimination is difficulty in accessing civil documents, in addition to verbal violence from certain parts of the society who assume the Sunda Wiwitan belief as heretic.